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Social Media Grow your brand through social media

Social Media Strategy

Our social media specialists are experts in utilising social media to grow your brand and help you define, set and achieve your business objectives.

The rise in social media has significantly changed the way in which brands and consumers interact, as a result having a social media strategy at the forefront of your wider digital strategy is essential.

Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, increase website traffic or drive sales our team will create a tailored strategy that works for you.

We're Working With

National Television Awards

National Television Awards

Live social media support during the live broadcast, from red carpet updates to announcing winners and nominees across platforms for three consecutive years.

Our Social Media Services Social Media Consultancy

Our Social Media Services Social Media Management

Robyn-Marie Towle, Event Producer - The NTA's "Propeller are a great partner to have managing our social media during our live performances, we’ve seen great results and they’ve been a pleasure to work with."

Have a project in mind? We would love to hear from you